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 Politics Archive 2020-2021

Andrew Cuomo could serve up to a year in jail on the misdemeanor forcible touching charge

Adam Kinzinger does not believe the Biden Administration knows how many Americans are left behind in Afghanistan

Taxes, drug trafficking, extortion, and international sponsors is how the Taliban makes money

China's high court rules employers can't work employees overtime with no pay

Mitch McConell tells Republicans they can't impeach a Democratic president who has a Democratic control Congress backing him

House Rule XI, clause 2(m)(1) and (3) gives the House committees and subcommittees the power to issue subpoenas

Two polls show Gavin Newsom’s chances increasing of beating the recall

Melissa DeRosa says an emotionally and mentally trying two years are the reasons why she has resigned as the Secretary to the Governor of New York

Almost sixty percent of Californians say they will vote for a new governor during the gubernatorial election next year

Over a majority of New Yorkers say Andrew Cuomo did a bad job with his handling of the nursing homes

Gregg Abbott vetoed legislation that would have set money aside for the state of Texas to pay all of the state's workers

In Ontario, Canada, the police are allowed to stop and question people they believe are social gathering

Speaker Nancy P. Pelosi has invited President Joseph R. Biden to address a Joint Session of Congress

Over a majority of New Yorkers say Andrew Cuomo should not run for a fourth term as governor

Gavin Newsom says his progressive policies are why Republicans are trying to recall him

The DOJ needs to investigate FL. Gov. Ron DeSantis' pay-to-vaccinate scheme

NY legislators vote to strip Andrew Cuomo of his temporary emergency powers while allowing him to keep his COVID-19 pandemic powers

South Dakota State House Affairs Committee places State AG Jason Ravnsborg's impeachment on hold

Mike Pence told Donald Trump that he does not have the power to change the Electoral College's votes

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Senator Chuck Grassley will not preside over Congress counting of the Electoral College's votes

The FTC is expected to file an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook by the month's end

Donald Trump sides with Gavin Newsom, overrules FEMA, declares major disaster in California

Voters believe Trump and Biden are physically fit to be president but not mentally fit to be president

Dean Phillips isn't too jazz about how Congress is handling the economic crisis resulting from the coronavirus pandemic

A poll shows that over 90% of India's citizens are willing to boycott Chinese products

AP sources say Donald Trump knew the Russians were offering money to the Taliban and the Haqqani Network to kill American soldiers

Kentucky Rep Robert Goforth refuses to step down after being charged with domestic violence and making terroristic threats

Vladimir Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons during a non-nuclear weapons attack

Senator Bob Menendez lets Mike Pompeo know that he’s aware of the new weapons sale deal he’s trying to do with the Saudis

I don't think Donald Trump will cooperate with Eliot Engel's investigation into his Saudi arms deal

Eliot Engel told CNN that at his request Steve Linick was investigating the Trump Admin.'s Saudi arms deal

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III told Donald John Trump Sr., that he is the real reason why he is still the president

Marco Rubio will replace Richard Burr as the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee

South Carolina gives former Veep Joe Biden his first win

Nevada Caucus gives Bernie Sanders another win

Quinnipiac Poll shows that the president and the Democratic Presidential Candidates have high unfavorable ratings

The people of New Hampshire said Bernie Sanders would win and he did

The Democrats’ mismanagement of the Iowa Caucus messed up their chances of winning back the White House

Matt Shea thought starting a holy war would get him a date